Sunday, January 13, 2013

Dark Currents by Jacqueline Carey

Genre:  Adult Urban Fantasy
Agent of Hel Series, Book 1

Description (taken from Goodreads):
The Midwestern resort town of Pemkowet boasts a diverse population: eccentric locals, wealthy summer people, and tourists by the busload; not to mention fairies, sprites, vampires, naiads, ogres and a whole host of eldritch folk, presided over by Hel, a reclusive Norse goddess.

To Daisy Johanssen, fathered by an incubus and raised by a single mother, it’s home. And as Hel’s enforcer and the designated liaison to the Pemkowet Police Department, it’s up to her to ensure relations between the mundane and eldritch communities run smoothly.

But when a young man from a nearby college drowns—and signs point to eldritch involvement—the town’s booming paranormal tourism trade is at stake. Teamed up with her childhood crush, Officer Cody Fairfax, a sexy werewolf on the down-low, Daisy must solve the crime—and keep a tight rein on the darker side of her nature. For if she’s ever tempted to invoke her demonic birthright, it could accidentally unleash nothing less than Armageddon.

This book is the beginnings of a new paranormal series.  And since I liked Jacqueline Carey's Kushiel series, I thought I'd give it a try.  But I don't think I connected with the book as well as I could have.  It could definitely be that I read it at the wrong time in my life, or I just really couldn't connect with the characters.

Pemkowet: the paranormal tourist city.  And Daisy is right in the middle acting as a liaison for the human community and the human community.  Life kind of gets complicated when you're a half-breed.  And did you know that Daisy has a tail?  Personally, I found the tail moments a little annoying.

Anyways, this city has your fairies, vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and paranormal underworld.  This book does a really good job of giving you a glimpse of all the different paranormal creatures, but it doesn't seem to go into enough depth.  One of the ghouls, Stefan, was totally eye-catching.  I wanted to know more about his story, but we don't really get into it.  And the steamy werewolf: Cody?  Same issue here.

This book is very much an introduction into a new paranormal world.  It's an easy read, a nice paranormal who-dun-it plot, but it doesn't really go into much depth.  I think I'd be more attached to the second book if I decide to pick it up...

Challenges:  Paranormal Reading Challenge

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